thefateofearlyembryoniccellscanbealteredbytheenvironmente. Question Asked 8/5/2020 8:31:56 PM 0 Answers/Comments - secure cabinet _____ B. thefateofearlyembryoniccellscanbealteredbytheenvironment5. d. local businesses, food industry, and fire and rescue, What does EOP stand for? D. clothing and bedding items, What kit: Emergency contact list and other important phone numbers Map of the area and phone numbers of places you could go Copies of prescriptions and/or original prescription bottles The CERT program is a nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization for communities to train volunteers about disaster preparedness and basic response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. B. Citizen Corps is administered by ______ but implemented locally. Damaged critical facilities (e.g., hospitals, fire stations, police precincts, airports) unable to function Damage from disasters may vary considerably from one location to another. \text{Nov.}\ 1 & 112 & \text{Environmental Safety Co.} & \left(\text{a}\right) & \$2,625\\ CERT: Disaster Preparedness Flashcards | Quizlet CERT: Disaster Preparedness Term 1 / 75 Community ____________________ is a key priority in lessening the impact of a disaster Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 75 preparedness Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by ptida Teacher Terms in this set (75) How do CERT volunteers prepare for disaster? *Intentional (terrorism using chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, orexplosive weapons). Pretty much the entire scope of possible disasters is covered within this training - the immediate aftermath of a tornado, hurricane, flood, and even a nuclear attack. B. \text{c. haploinsufficiency} & \text{3. individuals with cells of more than one genotype}\\ B. CERT Assignment Tracking Log geneticmosaics8. B. first aid kit REVENUEJOURNAL, InvoicePost.AccountsRec. A. What are the 6 objectives in assessing your post-event environment? C. personal sanitation items D. Call for backup, While stopping frequently to listen, you hear a faint cry for help from the corner of the room. C. bring government and community leaders together to ensure emergency plans more effectively reflect the community's needs, challenges, capabilities, and resources c. What is the output of the following statement? How do CERT volunteers prepare for disasters? To become a CERT volunteer, you must complete the classroom training offered by a local government agency such as the emergency management agency, fire or police department. _______ homes are most susceptible to damage because they are easily displaced. How far away should possible flammable vegetation be away from a home to reduce a wildfire? C. Vehicle, assist emergency services personnel when requested, assume some of the same functions as emergency services personnel. On say yes the the dress, claudia oshry aka social media star "girl with no job" How do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet; Source: Repeat (1) above, this time using the direct method. * Increased risk to public health. 1. 10 & 113 & \text{Jenkins Co.} \hspace{63pt} & \left(\text{b}\right) & \hspace{5pt} 1,050\\ \end{array} D. Initially monitor the situation from a safe place, Upon completing your search and rescue in the library, you enter a house where the second floor has collapsed, creating a lean-to void. - secure water heaters and have _____ gas lines installed D. 1/3 teaspoon drops, Water quantity to bleach ratios: 1 gallon (For each service department, use the most appropriate allocation base.). Transmission loss A. items for infants All volunteers in the VITA/TCE Program must take the Standards of Conduct training and pass the certification test. A. \quad\text{Interest accrued on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{264.1}&\text{254.4}\\ __________________ is the effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters. Three CERT volunteers are first on the scene of a car accident and provide assistance. A. What type of bleeding is this? \quad\text{Total unified budgetary receipts}&\text{3,266.7}&\text{3,248.7}\\ B. A. Mitigation can include non-structural measures, structural changes, and purchasing appropriate insurance. 2 day Tests of security C. Acquiring supplies D. Dry runs, A friend runs over to you, a little frantic, and asks why you are not headed to the disaster site to help. B. Anchor furniture to the wall The target audience for this course is individuals who desire the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and respond to a disaster. \quad\text{Subsidy expense accrued under direct loan \& guarantee programs}&\underline{\text{\hspace{20pt}11.8}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{13pt}(22.0)}}\\ Keep a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. B. B. disaster supply kit Increased risk of fire or explosion from fuel line rupture Consider Probabilities 4. Denial C. Headaches D. Loss of appetite, What should you do to sterilize the water for medical use? As volunteers engaging in CERT, members are generally protected by "(1)_____________________________" laws that protect people who provide care in a prudent andreasonable manner. To put their Scouting knowledge and skills to use BE B. C. CERT assessment D. Flight, Fight, Freeze, Faint, Fear, What are typical emotional responses in disasters D. all of the above, What buildings have a greater risk of collapse? A. \quad\text{Beginning cash balance}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}305.1}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}264.9}}\\ Added 3/6/2021 6:15:07 PM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. B. sugar, salt, pepper What should you do? C. earlyembryoniccellsareassignedspecificfates12. \quad\text{Repayment of debt held by the public}&\text{(7,343.3)}&\text{(6,700.6)}\\ assignidentitytobodysegments6. Disasters can be: (3) lives, health, and the environment are endangered, What are the three most important things at risk in the case of an emergency/disaster. C. sometimes assignidentitytobodysegmentsf. whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallele9. B. A. B. C. Team leader A. This course introduces you to the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. If safe to do so post-disaster, CERTs will Until firefighters are available, post-disaster CERTs can How long should a CERT treat life-threatening injuries post-disaster? What are things to consider when taking local hazard vulnerability into account? whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallelei. \quad\text{Agency securities}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}\\ a.mosaicdeterminationb. Look for creative resources to fight the fire D. Do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, CERT members volunteer to fill non-disaster roles. Again compute predetermined overhead rates in the Milling and Finishing Departments. Make a Plan Make sure your family has a plan in case of an emergency. 2) Life-threatening injuries The common terminology used by all emergency responders and trained cert volunteers is mandated by. CERT is a training program that prepares Floridians to help their families and neighbors in the event of a disaster in their community. Sheltering for an extended stay means that you would stay where you are for several days or, in the case of a pandemic, you may be asked to limit your time outside the home for up to 2 weeks. Shelter for extended stay. Citizen Corps As individuals, we can prepare our homes and families to cope during that critical period. Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. B. first aid kit \end{array} D. Equipment Resources form, You notice that the blood is spurting from the wound on the survivor's inner thigh. B. A. food items It is important to understand that completion of this course does not make you a trained CERT volunteer. C. D. Consider probabilities, While the fire department manages to suppress most of the fire inside the building, a small fire has started to spread through the yard. \textbf{Cash flow from activities not included in unified budget}\\ Clean drinking water and sanitation are important protective actions. You ask her to put her son down so you can help. A Word on What Could Happen How would you classify the damage to the building? \quad\text{Ending cash balance}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}464.6}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}305.1}}}\\ regulativedeterminationc. C. Limited access to fuel First aid manual There are things you can do to prepare for terrorist attacks and reduce the stress that you may feel now and later should another emergency arise. geneticmosaicsi. B. Q. Install hurricane storm shutters to protect windows C. Establish priorities & \textbf{Fees Earned Cr. I wonder if the problem is in our overhead rates., Severson Products manufactures high-quality wood products to customers specifications. What's the whole community approach to emergency preparedness? C. Petitioning local officials for more local emergency response funding In the distance you can see heavy smoke rising from the electrical plant, the very same electrical plant used to power your town and several major cities in the area and that you saw on the news last night cited as a potential target for a recently uncovered terrorist plot. Explain to the president why the step-down method provides a better basis for computing predetermined overhead rates than the direct method. What else might a CERT volunteer learn during CERT Basic Training? C. loss of hope B. yes * Coordination of services is hampered the CERT incident commander/team leader reports to the ______, the top of the chain, fire suppression, search and rescue, and medical report to the ______ section chief, documentation and incident status report to the ______ section chief, ______ section chief, ______ section chief, ______ section chief, and the ______ section chief all report to the CERT incident commander/team leader, operation, planning, logistics, administration, list CERT the PPE Attempt to locate the man's family or friends to provide natural support Regardless of the event, disasters have several key elements in common: \text{m. signal transduction pathways} & \text{13. a tag used to follow proteins in living cells}\\ * Conducting light (3)__________ ___ ____________ operations In a disaster, CERT members are also protected by the (2)______________ _______________________________, a Federal law that protects volunteers from liability as long as they are acting in accordance with the training that they have received. B. Tweezers Through hands-on practice and realistic exercises, CERT volunteers: Learn how to safely respond to man-made, technological, and natural hazards. B. first aid kit A. airports and malls OPERATIONS &, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, Most Missed Overall Psychology Definitions. Through CERT, citizens can learn about disaster preparedness and receive training in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. Individuals and communities can work together to improve preparedness and respond to disasters and emergencies. C. Hyperactivity _____________________________ is where the fire department and other services will interact with CERTs. A. feelings of detachment and helplessness C. personal sanitation items C. Your agency or group ID A. A. B. Wrap the wound with the first piece of cloth you can find A. 4 drops A. DCAP-PMS B. 1) Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). You come across a man who is in shock and bleeding from his chest. Staffing parades, health fairs, and other special events D. never, Which of the following would a cert volunteer not respond to? C. Chemical In addition, you must take one very short on-line FEMA class. \quad\text{Interest paid on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{(262.7)}&\text{(243.5)}\\ haploinsufficiencyd. Damage to . A. Continue to conduct a size-up from a safe distance outside of the building 'Getting involved' focuses on finding opportunities to support community and workplace preparedness before an emergency occurs.