We just need leaders with a backbone, like Mugabe and Gaddafi. Read More Advantages Of Why Did The Union Win The Civil War 418 Words | 2 Pages we are ready to learn anything that is needed to unite as including languages as well as essential things to live together. Maintain that and your language. In July 1999, the Assembly decided to convene an extraordinary session to expedite the process of economic and political integration in the continent. Thats always the issue. We would also have a congress (council) that would make the Nations laws. This is one of the disadvantages of union involvement, since groupthink is essential to union success. Lets come together and unite Africa into one, Rise African child Arise. Immense human and material resources were consecrated to the task of decolonizing Africa. However, looking at things calmly, it must be acknowledged that belonging to the franc zone is not devoid of all merit. The thirteen states included: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. An African Union passport may exist one day. It is composed of 53 countries in Africa and is loosely based on the European Union. I understand that inorder to recreate new structures we have to destroy existing ones and every one who prides themselves of their color and heritage will not be afraid of what will happen next. wester propaganda indeed. We have some of the best leaders in out continent as a whole and if we move beyond our own difference we can make Africa great once again. India was unify not because of language. There equally cannot be a parliament comprehensive enough to accommodate every tribe that makes up the continent. We need to start pushing and standardizing our own languages and making them more academic. The positive effects is that many countries have resources that can be used to support the country . As a result, under the Articals of Cofederation, the national government consisted of a lawmaking body called Congress. The majority of trade unions are independent of the employer. This drop is mainly because the manufacturing jobs that have historically made up a large portion of US union jobs are being moved overseas or lost to automation. Top 5 Things to Consider When Buying a Diamond, Laser Tattoo Removal: What to Know Before You Go, A Quick Guide to Commercial Roof Maintenance, 5 Great Tips for Managing a Small Business, How to Build a Digital Marketing Strategy: What You Need to Know, What Qualities to Look For in Local Long Distance Movers: A Guide, All the Right Colors: How to Add the Right Pop of Color to Your Room, 5 Camping Essentials You Need to Have On Your Next Trip. we are trying to bake here. Its a win win. policies of the nonaligned movement, the African stand adopted in 1972 against dialogue with South Africa; and the African stand over relations with the EEC. Untill Africa is unify, you will never know what true freedom feels like. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Trade Unions In South Africa 1714 Words7 Pages A trade union is an organisation which consists of members, including workers and union leaders who come together to protect and stimulate their common interests. My problem is their budget. A main disadvantage the South had was resources. The gov of the Lands would fund businesses through out the country and would set up for global success. The OAU: The Precursor to the African Union, The Improvement of Government, Finances, and Infrastructure. I think the best way to have one country or state in Africa would have been to unite group the country into blocks. Federalism. Different tribes have specific attitudes toward the economy. It is only a matter of time for those called developing nations to join the developed ones. At the time, it wasnt my desire to leave my beloved county. The Presidency should rotate from country to country for a term of one year only. The AU rightly recognizes the demographic dividend to be reaped from the regions youthful population structure, as numerous countries in Asia have benefited from over the past two decades, and, hence, member states are encouraged to link their growth performance and development pattern to the creation of employment and socio-economic opportunities especially for young people. This is evident in the level at which post-independence African leaders have grossly abused power. Wikipedia. Each state was to have equal powers and in most ways was to be independent of the other states. There has been one notable exception: the organisations refusal to countenance the coup in Sudan, and suspending the countrys membership in June 2019. The regional bloc occasionally gives early warnings of brewing conflicts in member states. The advent of the African Union (AU) can be described as an event of great magnitude in the institutional evolution of the continent. Looking on the manufacturer, between 20% to 50% of the worth of the provision chain is imported from the EU. Other African leaders stated they would study the proposals implications, and re-discuss it in May 2009.} TRADE AND INDUSTRY (Trade, Industry, Customs and Immigration Matters)7. If I want to tie this financial district with the other no one wants to absorb the deficit of others. If there is $200 trillion in minerals in the soil, I could loan 10 times that to the people, initiate a giant works program building modern infrastructure across the continent stimulating trade making every citizen theoretically 2 million usd richer once done. But he is fundamentally wrong about the prospects of Africa as a country. It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africas goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance. so if you talk about tribes and languages, it shows how much we need this badly. Nigeria, for instance, has over 250 ethnic groups, just like there would be in the United States of Africa. Today we are talking about these difference because we were told so. To some extent, Malema is right. I was forced to live in exile by the dictatorial government. Since the beginning of their activity in Denmark starting on the mid 2001, the company has managed to expand to other 12 countries (see Exhibit 1). The document outlined 54 practical steps that needed to be taken. This internal dynamic appears to have been ignored from the outset. Another example of failure has been in Libya, where the AU has been seen to be wringing its hands while deadly conflict escalates and external actors make it their war theatre. Great Lakes region, notably Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Uganda. He appointed a pan-African committee of experts to review and submit proposals for a system of governance for the AU that would ensure the organisation was better placed to address the challenges facing the continent with the aim of implementing programmes that have the highest impact on Africas growth and development so as to deliver on the vision of Agenda 2063. The numbers are going up via bilateral agreements between African states and foreign governments. Despite numerous protocols and signing of technical consensus documents to facilitate the free movement of goods and people across borders, the AUs record in stimulating the removal of trade barriers between countries in the union is less than impressive and the value of intra-African trade is still abysmally low as a percentage of total trade. The association of poverty with Africa goes together like apple pie and America. It gets aid from other countries around the world to deliver on its promises of peace and health for all African citizens which so far has been. The Court of JusticeA Court of Justice of the Union shall be established. The rest will inevitably change one way or the other. 2. Anyway this is a great idea .lets take an example of a chain.its made strong by sub pieces together.bit when it was one,it was the weakest. Located in West Africa, Burkina Faso is between 9 20 ' and 15 5 ' latitude north, and between 2 20 ' longitude east and 5 30 ' longitude west, Burkina Faso is landlocked country, with an area of 274,200 Km and the number of its inhabitant is estimated around17.42 million in 2014 (The World Bank, 2015). Judging from the drastic fall in conflicts and coups, and the increasing number of successful elections in the region in the past decade, it can be inferred that on balance actions by the AU has added value to Africas political performance . New system of govt where president are fire and hire not by election. It will soothe the existing states to ratify the United States of Africa much easier than basing on tribalism. Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporal Punishment, What Can a Dermatologist Do to Make You Look Younger? Some external world problems are the ones which divide us . This is most obvious in the case of Chinas ever growing presence in Africa, which the AU appears to regard as a positive factor. A filibuster is a tactic in the senate which delays an action or bill and ultimately defeats the bill until it is thrown out. Discourse on colonialism generally results in the different opinions of the colonizer and the colonized. a baker mixes all the necessary ingredients tests them to his/her satisfactory before putting the made dough into the oven. Author of this article points out some potential challenges of the unification of Africa. The bottom line here is, people do better when they are not forced into a coalition. And dont think just because a leader stays for a long time that makes him or her a dictator our chiefs and Kings used to lead through out their lifetime , also queen Elizabeth for example she is still a leader up until today I dont see any one calling her a dictator. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was officially signed at the African Union Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda on March 18, 2018. In 1994, South Africa joined the OAU after the fall of apartheid. ONE PASSPOST INEC: The Flop in Nigerias 2023 Presidential Election, Britain must Withdraw from Mauritius Chagos Islands. This can affect employee morale, reduce productivity and negatively impact communication. The percentage of Americans represented by organized labor has dropped from 27% to 11.6% between 1979 and 2019. I think when you point and label some one as a dictator their is much to look at other than that. The pledge was followed by the adoption in 2016 of the Lusaka Road Map to end conflict by 2020. One leader in control of a big entity with enormous resources, judging by the political history of modern Africa, would be extremely dangerous. A unitary system is only ideal for a small geographical area with common values. A major goal of the African Union is to encourage the collective defense, security, and stability of its members. I will even add that if it wasnt for Nigerias 99% Christian south, Nigeria would have turned into another Somalia. The Armed forces would be called the (United Forces of Africa), they would be tasked with defending the Lands from outside invasion. The headquarters of the AU is now housed in a magnificent multi-million dollar complex in Addis Ababa that has been provided by the China as a gift to Africa. Africans are dependent on other people. Did Musician Naughty Boy Win The Lottery? The protocol relating to the composition, powers, functions and organization of the Pan-African Parliament has been signed by Member States and is in the process of ratification. The distrust among members comes normally as a result of differences in political ideologies. History has shown us that one person, with the right tools and motivation, can cause a lot of havoc for a society. Majority being Nigeria ethiopia egypt Drc south africa kenya and Tanzania. My name is Ryan and i will be needing support of being the founding father of USA.I have learnt a lot of the long and short of the union.God bless! In a recent video, South African far-left leader, Julius Malema, admonished Africans to find indigenous ways to address their challenges and unite under a single state. Therefore, If the law of nature tells us that living things do change, and history shows us as time goes by, nations have changed, I dont see no reason why Africans cant change. Perhaps, they are deliberately neglecting the fact that contemporary African countries are struggling because of the bad arrangements by colonialists. The CommissionComposed of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, eight Commissioners and Staff members; Each Commissioner shall be responsible for a portfolio. Over time, political and economic structures in Africa have changed continuously. Borders are alien to Africa and people need to love one another. U are just giving the same caucasianised view that makes the real solutions to Africas problems impossible without even proposing a better one. Black men and women wake , unite , work together to build a successful innovative Africa Conflicts orchestrated by non-state actors accounted for over 75% of conflicts globally. Some of the major problems or challenges facing the African Union include the following: Language barrier problems: The issue of language barriers has proven to be one of the biggest challenges of the Africa Union. The OAU was formed in 1963 when many African leaders wanted to accelerate the process of European decolonization and gain independence for a number of new nations. This is due to the fact that gov owned industries are always corrupt and not profitable for the common good.. My brothers and sisters,we are blessed.Our continent is full of minerals,oil, Rivers, Lakes,Oceans, Forests,wild animals,cool climate and many more benefits.But why is it like being born in Africa is a curse especially in rich-land Congo?why are the westerns benefiting from our land and not our or its children?infact the West should depend on us,not us to depend on them.They use our minerals to create missiles, nuclears and other atomic bombs and restrict us from creating armaments.They use our oil to run their industries,to fuel their rockets,to manufacture goods and sell back to us.The worst thing is that they use free minerals,free oil and free anything else they need from Africa.They achieve this through choosing their own leaders for Africans, deceptive aids which comes through neo-colonialism and mainly keeping Africa divided and always in civil wars.The only way out is a United Lands of Africa.Boundaries were set up by them, different languages french,English,Spanish,Italiano,,,these languages can not be barriers to unification,they were established by them, different economic activities isnt a problem.Infact that is what we need for employment for millions of children of the land.The greatest weapon against these people is our mind. This went against its own rule that bans coup leaders from occupying political office. Yes, I want unification. A myriad of non-tariff barriers to cross-border trade, characterised chiefly by long delays at border crossings and legal and illegal payments which increase transaction costs, is a major obstacle to expansion of intra-African trade. There 21 spoken dialects in India. Alphabetical List of All African Countries, What Is Imperialism? No traditional African society was the same in its approach to commerce and trade as the other, and those values stand until today. Pan-African ParliamentA Pan-African Parliament, and organ to ensure the full participation of African peoples in governance, development and economic integration of the Continent. The first step will be for us a continent to decolonize our African minds from mental slavery that keeps us from doubting ourselves and our abilities as Africans I really dont think you know what you are talking about my fellow.Please before accussing the two leaders you have talked about,why dont you just do a research on your own,it wont take you long.Then you will realize if Africa had a leader,it was him,Muammar Gaddafi.I would like to talk about him but no time for that in writing,do a research and stop going for that which was exposed by the westerns,They did so to find a reason to kill him and his dreams for Africa and to extend their interest to Libyas oil and other minerals which they couldnt get when the lion was there. This hypothetical national wouldnt be called the USA instead The United Lands of Africa (ULA). There will be the less corruption between the leaders and the population because there will be more stable security in all parts of EAC members The use of the same currency in the E.A.C region will reduce monetary union instability and it will eliminate the rate of the exchange rate and favors trade for the participated countries. And we will remain a third world continent until the time comes that we unite. Most conflicts are generally centred on these areas: Sahel region, including Mali, Burkina Faso, Northern Nigeria, Chad, Sudan and Eritrea, Lake Chad area, including Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria, Horn of Africa, including Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Kenya, and. ONE ECONOMY And how they were able to control the colonies. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, union members had median weekly earnings of $1,041, whereas nonunion members earned $829. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. The African Union is one of the world's most important intergovernmental organizations. AU observer missions are now sent as a matter of routine to cover elections in all member states, in accordance with the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007). The advent of the African Union (AU) can be described as an event of great magnitude in the institutional evolution of the continent. This insinuates that foreign countries and organizations that provide aid, need to reevaluate why aid isnt making a bigger impact at fixing the problem. Absence of a standing army: Another problem faced by the African Union is the fact that it lacks a standing or ready army which makes it difficult when it comes to enforcing political decisions of the unions. Espresso vs Coffee: What Are the Differences? The main investigative branch of the gov would be the (United Lands Federal Guard). What is the lesson. I dont think u r going abou it right. However. Advantages of a customs union. They will just expand their sphere of influence over others. Dying as a free man is better than living as a slave. However, at the same time, unified government can prove to have disadvantages as the presidents ultimate goal is to be reelected which would mean appealing to the moderates. They threaten interstate and regional stability. Both systems have horribly failed in many African countries and blocs. Thanks. The number of union jobs has been steadily declining. Now how about listing the commonalities and framing our difference as our strength. Nigeria for Example has a boko Haram issue in Northern Nigeria and now it has bled over into Border countries areas like Chad, Niger, Cameroon, if their were no border countries it would have spread like wildfire into other countries. Some conflicts have been raging for decades. INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENERGY (Energy, Transport, Communications, Infrastructure and Tourism)4. RURAL ECONOMY AND AGRICULTURE (Rural Economy, Agriculture and Food Security, Livestock, Environment, Water and Natural Resources and Desertification)8. Linguistic history of India Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_history_of_India. The organisation never suspended Zimbabwe over the coup that ended Robert Mugabes despotic presidency. Tanzania's refusal to sign the EPA has obvious implications for the regional integration process. This rhetoric of Africa has lasted over decades, with a substantial amount of aid being given to African countries to rectify this problem. Promoting Africas growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states. Malema proposed Swahili as the ideal language for a united Africa considering it is the most widely spoken indigenous language. Together we are able to come up with solutions to our problems. Since the pledge was signed conflict in Africa has increased. We need to get our regional languages respected in the academic field. And yet, sixteen of the worlds poorest countries were identified as being in sub-Saharan Africa as of 2013. it will happen through thick and thin and commitment of the people who believe its beneficial to our people. The African Union is a very important organization in the African continent and has over the years promoted unity among African nations and helped to improve economic development in Africa. In fact, traditional Africans often broke away from their original tribes to form new communities for self-realization and freedom. Definition and Historical Perspective, The Origins, Purpose, and Proliferation of Pan-Africanism, Biography of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Father of Tanzania, Ongoing UN Peacekeeping Missions in Africa, History and Principles of the United Nations, Economic Community of West African States. Compared to the South the North had greater resources such as population, industrial and agriculture ability, transportation networking, and financial resources when compared to the South. The main objectives of the OAU were, inter alia, to rid the continent of the remaining vestiges of colonization and apartheid; to promote unity and solidarity among African States; to coordinate and intensify cooperation for development; to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and to promote international cooperation within the framework of the United Nations.Indeed, as a continental organization the OAU provided an effective forum that enabled all Member States to adopt coordinated positions on matters of common concern to the continent in international fora and defend the interests of Africa effectively.Through the OAU Coordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa, the Continent worked and spoke as one with undivided determination in forging an international consensus in support of the liberation struggle and the fight against apartheid. The African Union has shifted focus from supporting liberation movements in the erstwhile African territories under colonialism and apartheid, as envisaged by the OAU since 1963 and the Constitutive Act, to an organization spear-heading Africas development and integration. The AU Parliament is the legislative body of the African Union and is composed of 265 officials who represent the common people of Africa. Problems have existed and theyll still exist even after we pass . Finally, the issue of foreign military forces on the continent. In South Africa all Bantu languages can be grouped into three and four at most and but we are told there are 14 languages. The United lands would have a local, state and federal lvl government. I can look at life in many angles and make wise and informed decisions. The pride we would have initiating a giant works project and the good international press also makes us look and feel good. Im Nigerian and agree with the article. Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. These African countries work diplomatically with each other despite differences in geography, history, race, language, and religion to try to improve the political, economic, and social situations for the approximately one billion people that live on the African continent. Its like all asian countries or south American countries to be one country and turn to states without taking into consideration the internal issues and economic issues that they are dealing with. Before the international. South Sudan is the newest member of the African Union, joining on July 28, 2011, less than three weeks after it became an independent country. African are hungry of leadership as this professional doesnt require age and qualifications.we are very selfish.If we stop all above mentioned factors, Africa can unite. Progress has been made by the AU commission, in collaboration with international partners and the UN, towards better coordinating and harmonizing development policies and programmes with the 5 Regional Economic Communities (RECs) representing the various geographical regions of the continent. Also, if the AU had achieved its goal of uniting Africa under a confederacy, there would be no calls for another form of union. Some countries still had deep ties to its colonial masters. The laws they do have aren't always strictly enforced. The African Union supports agricultural projects. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, thoughtco.com/african-union-definition-1434325. China had various languages and dialects. On 9.9.1999, the Heads of State and Government of the Organisation of African Unity issued a Declaration (the Sirte Declaration) calling for the establishment of an African Union, with a view, inter alia, to accelerating the process of integration in the continent to enable it play its rightful role in the global economy while addressing multifaceted social, economic and political problems compounded as they are by certain negative aspects of globalisation.