endobj Whereas a deacon meets the needs of the people, a trustee meets the needs of the property. Work with deacons, board of trustees, church officers, and committees/auxiliaries as they perform the ir assigned responsibilities. authority than that which is given to the Trustees in a Southern Baptist Church. Trustees also passed a policy that clarifies the responsibilities and duties of a trustee in an executive session during the April 3 meeting. The Trustee has a role of dealing with various church business matters. They help develop new ministries and outreach programs, handle feedback and concerns for congregation members and work to promote church fundraisers and new classes or programs. Being good stewards of those funds is a primary responsibility of the church board and finance committee. Normally the president (pastor) and the secretary of the Board of Trustees sign legal documents in behalf of the church, particularly as property and financial contracts are involved. %PDF-1.3 All revenues and expenditures are documented by the board and evaluated . Your email address will not be published. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. One or two trustees are often given treasurer or accountant duties, and it is their job to prepare regular financial reports about the state of the church. The Associate Pastor of Children and Outreach is a full-time position responsible to the Senior Pastor and the church for the duties outlined in this job description and to do so in a manner that glorifies Christ and advances the mission of Westview Baptist Church. Set up for annual church business meeting (ballots, pencils and pens, basket to collect ballots, set up chairs, turn on heat, distribute song books, podium). 3. In many cases, trustee boards make policy decisions regarding whether or not outside organizations may rent and use space within the church. The Faith Missionary Baptist Church Trustee Ministry is charged with stewardship of all the resources that God has blessed the FMBC Family with. Similarities include the need to see that all organization property is used for purposes consistent with the charter, trust fund agreements, and resolutions of the board of trustees. The person must typically be a church member before being elected trustee. FV>2 u/_$\BCv< 5]s.,4&yUx~xw-bEDCHGKwFGEGME{EEKX,YFZ ={$vrK Church trustees can either do the maintenance and repairs themselves or hire others. Meetings Day / Time: Every third Tuesday. The Calvary Baptist Church of Glenwood will create and maintain job descriptions for each job title held by employees of the church that are not clearly stated in the by-laws. 2 Continuous AttendanceAttending church services and events is expected of church trustees. Typical Church Treasurer duties include collecting and depositing tithings, bank account reconciliation, preparing receipts for donors, payroll (if applicable) and other expenses. The board of trustees is the governing body that represents the interest of the patrons of a church. Churches rely on the generous donations of its members to do what it does. The early church met in public spaces (Acts 5:12), personal homes (Colossians 4:15;Acts 12:12), and lecture halls (Acts 19:9). Monitor and follow the church policies and procedures for finances. % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 389 0 278 0 278 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,027. 0 Arrange help for the widows. You should make sure that you and your fellow trustees are familiar with the following documents: Some churches also have agreements with other organizationsfor example, a church might belong to a denomination. A trustee in a church is usually a member of the churchs board of trustees. To hold the title to church property and manage it as trustees of the local church, where the local church is not incorporated, or where the civil law requires it, or where for other reasons it is deemed best by the district superintendent or the District Advisory Board, . Deacons are expected to attend church regularly and give their tithes and offerings. %PDF-1.5 << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> The church trustees' job description may vary between denominations and churches, but there are some basic duties. Often, the person who creates the Trust is the Trustee until they can no longer fill the role due to incapacitation or death. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Jobs View All Jobs. << /Type /Pages /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Count 1 /Kids [ 2 0 R ] >> Shackleford-Photography/iStock/Getty Images, General Board of Discipleship: Trustee Job Description. Antioch Baptist Church Phone: 703-425-0710 Fax: 703-764-9172 E-mail: antioch@antioch-church.org www.antioch-church.org Capers Brown Chairman Deacon/Deaconess Board Ron Beasley Chairman, Trustee Board community Kiah D. Spinks Church Clerk 6531 Little Ox Rd Fairfax Station, VA 22039 the congregation, community and attracting new members In many cases, any major expenses must be approved by the board of trustees. 14:40) This document aims to make known in a clear and concise manner the essential rules by which we govern ourselves at Southern Baptist Church. 3 0 obj Job Description Reference.com. The pastor is likely the most noticeable and recognized, but there may be other pastors, deacons, board members and other officers "behind the scenes" on less noticeable aspects of conducting an effective ministry. endobj Look into whether any potential purchases would be worthwhile investments for both your congregation and community; for example, if another church nearby has given up their building in favor of renting a space from another organization, ask yourself whether this would be an effective move for your own congregational needs as well. Use of church equipment shall be done in conformity with the church policies and procedures. The mission of the Trustee Ministry is to faithfully serve as stewards of what God has placed in our charge by serving unconditionally and sacrificially, protecting the church to the best of our ability with wisdom, utilizing and managing resources as provided by God for His glorification in His creation, and holding each . As part of the church trustee job description, the official has the authority to approve payment of the church's bills and expenses. ;lyFZS(>&J@[&`p@ xkou*s]WOo 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /VZEJCP+ArialMT /Flags 32 /FontBBox [-665 -325 2000 1006] 15 0 obj 15-5-802, C.R.S. Trustees also are responsible for all church property and must be present to sign legal documents regarding church property, such as mortgage or rental documents. Trustees can be appointed or elected, are occasionally elders or deacons, and may have the authority to serve as signatories for the church. endobj 7 0 R /BitsPerComponent 8 /Filter /DCTDecode >> xZ6}WQ7{*{[ Tfg?sS? 2. The pay and other stipulations are frequently left up to the trustees discretion. We, the active members of Southern Baptist Church, do hereby consent to being governed by these by-laws. % However, along with that power comes the duty to determine whether the expense is necessary and how much it will cost. It is their duty to ensure that any money raised by the church is accounted for in an accurate manner. The African Methodist Episcopal Church: A History Promotional Video. 2. The board defines a budget and appropriations at the beginning of each year and develops a uniform system to accept offerings and donations, pay bills and make purchases. The churchs legal documents are an important part of your duties as a trustee. In the early church, seven men were selected to oversee particular needs within . With that authority, however, the church trustee also has the responsibility of evaluating the need for the expense as well as the . The biblical role of deacons is to take care of the physical and logistical needs of the church so that the elders can concentrate on their primary calling. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Church trustees are often asked to provide written financial reports for regular meetings so all church members can see where money is being spent. ,efkA% "_0#5pxixJy| br$gH *y+)9DVQq;GS 3X5%WL]1?QT& 0FBM6ea 7+C!+d $dD_l: G|J63w1F@*L_5Trdp|G`~4B2?Vo3TE ,K%H{GvI,C#? The old-fashioned view of trusteeship was that the board members lent their names and prestige to the church and did little else. What qualifications does the Bible give for elders and deacons? One of their main responsibilities is to protect and help advance the purpose of the organisation. /ItalicAngle 0 /Ascent 905 /Descent -212 /CapHeight 716 /StemV 95 /Leading A1vjp zN6p\W pG@ Trustees are also responsible for making sure that the financial details are secure and organized, so that all involved parties know whats going on at all times. This Guideline is intended to be a guide as you begin fulfilling your responsibilities, and a reference throughout your tenure as trustee . Fargo Bank where he has worked for 20 years. Copyright 2011-2023 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. Responsible Stewardship. They must collaborate with people who organize church events as well. Trustees have independent control over organisations, such as churches and charities, and most major decisions fall on them. pwa'ri= GS$UgDK($f!9E4dci80~QTIT:7W]1&za)90"Fh)[;:,Ie#9!g@z_A:PldRk By General Council On Fin & Admn. &"2o@(mg+6ivWB.y q WZ*H)\b)F%bu z9dckib% |.L& =h@n!OeyW~;w|(o|VH? qHpoa0'm/yC Why are church bylaws important. The Senior Pastor must meet the requirements found in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 and be committed to continual growth in his relationship with Jesus and his fellow believers. The first known facility dedicated to housing a church was acquired in the AD 240s and destroyed in 256. stream What is the role of a trustee in the church? hJ,Ywg !(d:gdXx :\y!32MAb1_& 16X!,u nTkXnK+2c?"E[ ud \z#v+ j!)"rt) U\21ZRI8h]whZ5*?Id^;:EC^ 6sI u)j,Tt:R:}1\SmSRBd)`V%5z |o^2s R=bn`Hs/ YtF^:M2gLWd << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /BaseFont /VZEJCP+ArialMT /FontDescriptor Usually, the church treasurer and I collaborate on these reports. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Required fields are marked *. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics. They are often responsible for opening and closing the church before and after special events. 11 0 obj In many cases, any major expenses must be approved by the board of trustees. Duties of a church trustee are primarily overseeing and managing the governance, finance, and the overall health of the organization. Trustees typically are responsible for hiring contractors to complete such projects. Generally speaking, a church trustee is a layman who takes care of the secular business of running a church. In some states, churches are required to have trustees. Trustees have a fiduciary duty towards beneficiaries. Carson-Newman University trustees took a bold action when they affirmed that the university would operate within the guidelines of the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. By-Laws for Southern Baptist Church (Adopted 12/7/2009; Amended 12/5/2011) Preamble (see I Cor. Unlike bylaws, which tend to include formal or legal language, policies and procedures should be written in plain, understandable language. Below is a guide to help explain these duties, rules and regulations for people who are unsure how trustees . Be careful with security as well; thieves may target churches because they think they wont get caught even if they are caught red-handed stealing from a religious institution, regular audits by an independent third party (ideally). If the church must elect members of a special committee or hire new staff, the trustee board is generally consulted first. The church chose men to serve the widows. The Connect ministries of our church are focused on connecting people to Christ through building relationships Duties of Deaconess. The duties of the trustees are: 143.1. 5 0 obj <> 33 /XHeight 519 /StemH 84 /AvgWidth 441 /MaxWidth 2000 /FontFile2 18 0 R >> Although trustees are not mentioned in the Bible, their role is biblically appropriate. %PDF-1.3 They help develop new ministries and outreach programs, handle feedback and concerns for congregation members and work to promote church fundraisers and new classes or programs. The financial institution where the churchs funds should be maintained can also be suggested by the trustees. h|\`r+/~~}8IjN&BW-Y\+h;z1BwxQNv)^gpH 7C1NCW,22G.IXlu66J@(>Vm |s L&G="+SAn[^Zn#wc=835|ecS/SBs@H8{g\@)`@K~% `0 QO2;313=J qca5,^9hcCfX7 ;Ke?"_xv#3js. Length of commitment: 3 years Duty of Care requires board members to discharge duties in good faith, and with the care All churches have different organizational structures, and officers can hold various titles, including president, secretary . Officers in the Baptist church have a variety of important responsibilities related to the spiritual and practical life of the church. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 The group sets policies for the maintenance and administers all bequests to the local church. Head Deaconess is a member of the Church Board; Teacher of the faith; assists at services & meetings: Preparing for Baptismal services Preparing for Ordinance of Humility; Preparing Communion; Visitation of members (Pastor & elders to be kept informed of needs); Care of the sick; Care for the Poor; Duties of Prayer . Most church trustee boards appoint officers from within. 2 Trustees are usually voted on by a local church or selected by elders representing church members for certain periods of time. endstream Churchgists.com covers prayers, spiritual meaning, bible verses and dreams interpretation. Trustees are also required to attend church regularly and give tithes and offerings on a regular basis. The trustees are often required to decide the salary and other terms. They frequently oversee events held by organizations that are renting the church. These reports typically itemize the money received and expenses. Trustees are leaders in the church who are responsible for many different things. The training shall be completed within 60 days after the election, or prior to the appropriate Quarterly Conference, whichever comes first. The financial duties of the trustee board involve making sure that the church can meet its annual financial goals. Qualifications of a Trustee in The Church. The appointed pastor of the charge is always a member of the Board of Trustees. endobj O*?f`gC/O+FFGGz)~wgbk?J9mdwi?cOO?w| x&mf Trustees also act as liaisons between the members of the church congregation and the church leaders, representing and articulating the congregations interests. endobj First Peter 4:10says of individuals, As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. This applies to churches as well. 'vu v3lE %j The trustees together have several legal and administrative functions. The Board has fiduciary responsibility for managing the church's budget, expenses, revenue generation and handling, setting the fund raising policy and final approval of all fund raising activities, accepting church gifts in accord with PBC's stated policies . Visit new people in the church. Commitment to the charity's objects, aims and values and willingness to devote time to carry out responsibilities. The Trustee Board. You need to supervise the staff and assign different tasks to them. In fulfilling this solemn responsibility the Trustee board . A church policy manual should be approved by a committee that includes staff and volunteers of the church. 3 0 obj // Leaf Group Lifestyle, How to Start a High School Alumni Association, How to Start a Non Profit Organization With Grants, Duties & Responsibilities of Church Auxiliary, Little Rock Baptist Church: Trustee Ministry Bylaws, Guidelines and Responsibilities, Iowa United Methodist Church: Local Church Board of Trustees, Metropolitan Community Churches: Board of Directors Training Manual. Trustees may be responsible for maintaining buildings and facilities, tracking the churchs equipment and investments, keeping insurance policies up to date, and managing funds. Do not let any areas of your church go dark when its open. By Lonnie Wilkey Editor, Baptist and Reflector In recent weeks, the actions of trustees, both at the Southern Baptist Convention and Tennessee Baptist Convention levels have been in the forefront. O36Zi5s;vEE5Tl+CUEUx They are expected to have the capacity to listen to and interact with people of all ages and to work well with other leaders. 0 667 667 722 722 0 0 0 722 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 722 667 611 0 0 944 0 0 uo2UkBUhEE+k)U139 ~9D"esVz}{u+,{bK]^EHoQY>AYpj_u/]>x',sU ?b(BdWd(;V6b/:Rp~.`g 0$3 .} YOS The underlying philosophy for use of church equipment is to honor Christ in all that we do. The secretary provides clerical support and keeps track of meeting minutes, and the treasurer prepares budgetary reports and ensures financial accuracy. Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on baptist church trustee duties and responsibilities,qualifications of a trustee in the church and so much more. stream He has a Bachelor of Arts in English with a specialization in writing from the University of Michigan and his articles have been published on several prominent websites including eHow and others. Deacons are often the church members who pass the offering baskets during the service. hb```e" eao0"bzA,$!AAAC| kC3@! Fu-7m)Li "k`\f3'Q bS"(` m In short, they do anything and everything the church needs. To do this, you must: As a trustee, it is your duty to ensure the safety and security of parishioners and staff by taking care of these issues. All deacons and trustees should have a close relationship with God and their lives must demonstrate their love for God, his world and his people. He or she has a duty not to delegate the Trustee's duties to another person-any duty which calls on him to exercise skill and . In addition, they should work towards maintaining good relations between members of the congregation and others who interact with them on behalf of the church. The primary duty of Baptist church trustees is overseeing the financial aspects of operating the church. A trustee is now expected to be more involved and hands-on with everyday church operations. /rH!Dt)VHhk#$J)yG5=y(v/^Z%vwg S W/K+;YK~t_R#;$ 1 *j$U}$*1y$; NjMbsv"pUm9D$a++8Gi?!/TvlG*.E$\g!r7 1:{zN cgm]^+{XDz~FTLFj39(-;$$oo8d6H* E:!@ Hq*HoHd$;tCQ~; u(_c+(qUrga89:Je%+WKHW"5 MBi+y17.ycQ>J2cqHyv dSHu/vy@. stream Deacon and/or Trustee Board member). Each type of leader holds different responsibilities and duties and each is integral to the church's operations and future. The church shall have a body of elders which shall include the pastor who will serve as the primary teaching elder responsible for the ministry of the Word. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> "I am absolutely satisfied that my concerns have been fairly heard," pastor Dwight McKissic said in an April 5 interview with the Southern Baptist TEXAN, newsjournal of the Southern Baptists of Texas . To many, an independent Baptist church is a strange phenomenon. 7:&SUmZ 5Z[msMo;xer'$709eD#$%(*|lcPZdK}Os6?&3JI,rg'6w|TloGLLdAMl0He#RHg!,>* Ans. Can not be an employee or related to an employee of The Church. Make sure youre aware of whats going on with your churchs money at all times, so that if there are any irregularities or unusual activity, you can act accordingly and ensure that everything is being handled correctly. Log all expenses of the Trust. What Are My Basic Responsibilities? See disclaimer. The assets may be real estate or personal property, but they are owned by the trustee on behalf of another person or group of people. EskY=oUF*AZtvHYnJDD(:%U>& LbW4MgLB;1t3g]hX/RhRWEN*#ud*nE_f_Px.`u/uu>5>I~N?q}Nud7f!|fVBe%3 ^\N5}]cT)&[WzV Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Selected as best answer. there should be three unrelated trustees. To foster a cohesive environment, the board must understand the philosophy and missionary goals of the church. Church trustees are also expected to give their tithes and offerings regularly. The Bible does not give us specific instructions regarding buildings and equipment owned by a church. 2 min. Baptist church trustees have duties related to the maintenance of the church property and ministry. The elders must meet the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. E6S2)212 "l+&Y4P%\%g|eTI (L 0_&l2E 9r9h xgIbifSb1+MxL0oE%YmhYh~S=zU&AYl/ $ZU m@O l^'lsk.+7o9V;?#I3eEKDd9i,UQ h6'~khu_ }9PIo= C#$n?z}[1 2. 2612 % 6 0 obj /TT3 10 0 R /TT2 9 0 R /TT4 11 0 R >> >> Regular tithing and offering are also requested of church trustees. Deacons are typically the people in the church who assist the pastor in various duties from caring for church families to assisting the churchs trustees in financial matters. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Online Christian Articles and Information Hub. Laros earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from Kent State University. . Many volunteers are needed to lead and run a church. %PDF-1.6 % Trustees are usually voted on by a local church or selected by elders representing church members for certain periods of time. Duty of loyalty. This means ensuring that the church does not squander its resources on unnecessary things or spend money on things that arent needed. stream << /Length 15 0 R /N 3 /Alternate /DeviceRGB /Filter /FlateDecode >> All revenues and expenditures are documented by the board and evaluated periodically during trustee meetings. This can make people uncomfortable and unsafe in their own homes, especially if they do not know the area well enough. In addition to their fiduciary responsibilities, church trustees must ensure that all church records are kept up-to-date. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Prepare accounting identifying all trust debts at least once annually. This will make it easier for you to stay in contact with the treasurer and monitor all financial activities. Theological Rationale: Proverbs 29:18; Philippians 2:3-4 The St. Paul Baptist Church Trustee Board is an official ministry comprised of spiritual, driven stewards dedicated to maintaining and managing the spiritual excellence of the church. /Thumb 12 0 R >> x\}[U2=8q*Kr3=RZRsiO_a9m{7_G>2/]}g>{{o^{53{enirN3Um[i^Xpgl2G/;~}lvW|3-k>@Y |sr{?0En[mV What duties are church deacons responsible for? Prepare accounting identifying all trust assets at least once annually. endobj endobj 0 222 ] >> All church property is held in trust for the AME Church (Connectional). The trustees, serving as custodians of the church property, shall include its proper Weekly Tithing | Most churches have some form of regular donation collection, often called a tithe. These reports typically list the costs and income by line item. The board defines a budget and appropriations at the beginning of each year and develops a uniform system to accept offerings and donations, pay bills and make purchases. stream UBC is seeking a full-time Senior Pastor who is committed to the inerrancy and authority of the Holy Bible. Let's break these duties down. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz C Qualities of a Trustee Essential Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of Trusteeship. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Specific Responsibilities. Antioch Baptist Church Phone: 703-425-0710 Fax: 703-764-9172 E-mail: antioch@antioch-church.org www.antioch-church.org Capers Brown Chairman Deacon/Deaconess Board Ron Beasley Chairman, Trustee Board Kiah D. Spinks Church Clerk 6531 Little Ox Rd Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Primary Duties and Responsibilities Proclamation 14 0 obj endobj Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. This issue can create confusion and even at times tensions . Trustee Board Chairperson Job Description Purpose The Board of Trustees supervises, oversees and cares for all real property of the church and seeks to use the church's material and financial resources according to the will of God and for the benefit of God's Church. They are also required to work with those who are planning church events. endobj stream He formerly served as a pastor for 16 years, and is now a member of Fourth Baptist Church . Trustees are usually voted on by a local church or selected by elders representing church members for certain periods of time. The responsibilities of trustees are normally located in the church's Articles of . K0iABZyCAP8C@&*CP=#t] 4}a ;GDxJ> ,_@FXDBX$!k"EHqaYbVabJ0cVL6f3bX'?v 6-V``[a;p~\2n5 &x*sb|! hbbd```b`` endobj 1 0 obj You will be taking care of the daily operations and the results of the same. Duties of the Trustee Board: 1. % Stephen Mathews 04 Jan 2012. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> eKVySf p-,x:d9}s`,Gq&UKy[kt>R0e pJcrYl%at0W_uFT(-M)d{Uf^`x-"'=\[9BxIIqC#;?1SaGZ/T:.@`cPKW[TCz*6WgDpHFa s6w%&U>BNc"\:bCAp}>!nxTY/E] Trustee boards are typically in charge of budgetary matters within a church. The major difference between these positions is that a trustee makes finanical decisions while a deacon assists with other needs of the church. A church trustee has certain duties in order to ensure the smooth running of any church. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The job description will consist of a general description, duties and responsibilities, and general, special and experience requirements where applicable. The Trustee Board provides for the management of the physical building and ensures . [7A\SwBOK/X/_Q>QG[ `Aaac#*Z;8cq>[&IIMST`kh&45YYF9=X_,,S-,Y)YXmk]c}jc-v};]N"&1=xtv(}'{'IY) -rqr.d._xpUZMvm=+KG^WWbj>:>>>v}/avO8 x]u}(Qcc]Her" m,$ C9wna+fUe7CmZ;a=oj+xZG7jZgNg?p7/77C?7_N+~w]~q{wFkO_8Hk/^UoD%!I:._`] 2. The trustees serve as the official, legal servants in matters of business. Trustees receive and administer all gifts made to the congregation and make certain that trust funds of the congregation are invested properly. account for and deposit tithes and offerings and other funds contributed and/or donated to the Church for specific purpose. A church trustee usually refers to a church volunteer who oversees physical aspects of a church such as finance, property, and buildings. When a church loses a pastor, the trustees typically appoint a search committee to fill the job. Your email address will not be published. Trustees annually review property, liability, and crime insurance coverage on church-owned property, buildings . Call on people who are in the hospital. A church officer is a member of the laity who assists the priests or minister in management and upkeep of the church. j5'k^. WLE[EC. Board of Trustees Responsibilities The duly elected members of the Board of Trustees have the responsibility to conduct business and make decisions that are in the best interest of the First Religious Society in the Town of Homer, New York and the Homer Congregational Church, such that the FRS and HCC may continue to prosper and carry out God's Email: trustees@allen-temple.org. Trustees also work to maintain the church buildings and property. Members of the congregation trust the church treasurer to exerise good stewardship in managing their hard earned contributions. Church trustees are typically entrusted with the charge of maintaining the church's property. These duties are the legal standards which guide all actions taken by the Board of Trustees in the management and oversight of charitable organizations.